Knife Games


Amy's ear raised as she watched the hand drop away from the knives. Smart move. The young coyote relaxed, her frame smooth without fear. The wagon drew closer, then passed by, keeping to Amy's orders. She wasn't interested in having a slave and pup hovering around her all the time. Lucias fussed a little in the sling, Amy's eyes dropping to the pup for a moment before her attention returned to the now submissive female. Appropriate. It was good that she was behaving correctly, Amy's mood light and giving at the moment.

Nodding her head Amy quickly twisted, a knife in her hand as the coyote drew one out. What was she doing? The coyote threw it away, Amy watching. Not too bad, but the way that she held it was off. If it was slightly different her throw would be much better. Amy Sunders. Strength has little to do with throwing knives. You've practiced plenty? It's all in the snap. Amy hurled her own knife, embedding deep into the tree. What will you give me? The lessons would not be free.

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