Lifestyles of the rash and jagged

out of character

BLAH. I'm so sorry for this wait. ><

in character

Chaotic rapids seemed to crash Khaden this way and that, but miraculously alabaster white daggers gripped onto a hunk of flesh and fur. Happy to have some sort of leverage in this twisted torrent of water, Khaden pushed his footing against a large stony outcropping, and attempted to thrust the both of them towards a chunk of land not submerged in these unpredictable waters. He was surprised, offhandedly, that she was so lifeless, so limp in his protection. Perhaps it was the shock of the water that brought the femme in such a state, or perhaps it was because he was here. Whatever the reason may be, he knew his job was to bring the female to safety. And that's what he did.

Bruised and bleeding, they finally came crashing onto shore, Khaden still ripping apart the land with his weathered out feet as he pushed them further away from the nasty currents and rocks. Sticks, stones and dirty grit made the ground uncomfortable as he slid uphill, finally letting go of the female and coughing up the liquid that had engulfed him previously, and attempted to drown his lungs out. His body was strung out from the physical exertion that he had pushed himself too, but immediately felt horrible as he realized that he was spending all this attention on himself. Propping his head up, and forcing his body to be up upon his feet, he regarded the ebony female aside him. "Are you okay?" He voiced anxiously, tiredly, watching carefully the way she breathed, the way she reacted. The last thing he needed was more drama.

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