Theatre Therapy
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OOC Stuffs go here

Golden eyes burned into Terra's green ones, drinking in the tale as she spoke. It wasn't as smooth as the others she told, but Terra hadn't expected such a question. How could she reveal how her magic worked? She did her best, words slipping from her tongue with relative ease. The flicker of disappointment didn't go unnoticed, Terra's ears drooping a little. Was her tale no good? She had done her best to tell it, making sure to include how she had learned it. She wasn't supposed to tell anyone how her tricks were performed, even Caspa left guessing at times.

Caspa. She's a baronness. Technically they were the same rank, but Terra submitted to her. Caspa was older and wiser after all, at least as far as the coyote was concerned. She was much less likely to cause trouble the way Terra did, securing Terra the way Hotaru did when the fiery female became fixated on a particular prank. Tilting her head Terra considered the question, wondering how to answer. She had done a performance live before many canines at the winter festival, but never for her own pack. Skoll had seen her tricks, and became quite frightened at the actions. Terra had learned, and wasn't likely to make such a mistake again. Magician, that was what Caspa had called her!

Eyes wide she shook her head. I'm not getting tied up in a tank of water! That would kill her! Possibly Terra could escape, but having herself die in front of everyone in such a manner was not her goal. As wild as she was Terra valued her life, and didn't do things she knew would kill her. Tease a bear, steal from a cougar, yes. She'd even trespass into packs. Being tied under water was not something she was willing to do though. Cocking her head Terra considered the last part. I could teach you some things so you could help me. Terra usually ran her tricks alone, but usually she wasn't interested in sticking around to see the result either.
Wordcount :: +000

template by revo. <3 - Table and code modifications by Alex


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