Searching for a new life
Occ- Thanks ^^

Tali waited a short while, still practising moving her ears back, until she heard a wolf coming closer. She look ahead to see a male approach her, he look friendly enough, and immediately took to her submissive stance, head lower and ears back, just as she practised.
The wolf spoke, he sounded calm which was a relief, at least Tali knew he wasn't going to be aggressive. He said she was at 'New Dawn's' boarder, the name sounded mysterious, and kinda fitted what Tali was looking for. She clear he throat and her father’s advice on what to say run through her head, "I have travelled far, from the east looking for a new pack and a new life. I came across the scent of a pack; the scent and the beauty of the area lead me here." She smiled sweetly, but kept her stance, "I wish to join New Dawn."

Tali hoped that she sounded good enough, she wasn't sure what rank this wolf was, but either way she hope she sounded decent; being rejected here would harm her self-esteem upon seeking another pack.
She waited intently for a reply.

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