Searching for a new life

Tali was interested to hear that she could learn further in healing, if anything hunting, healing and exploring where her main skills and interests. So improving them would be a good idea. She was almost relieved to know that Jiva wasn't the pack leader, but didn't lessen her stance as he began to howl.

They waited a short while, and Tali raised her head slightly to see if anyone would come. Sure enough a large black male join them and, being sure that this wolf was the Alpha, Tali bowed her head again and pushed her ears back. The male circled her, picking around at her scent, and Tali took this short time to glance up and view her hopefully new-Alpha-to-be. He was normal size for a male and had jet black fur, Tali was interested in the marking on his eyes and, in terms of colour, though it went well with his fur colour.

Once he had stopped sniffing around her she lifted her head slightly, and nodded at his question, "I've travelled far looking for a new pack, and the beauty of the area and the smell of a pack brought me her. I would like to join your pack Zalen, Alpha of New Dawn"

She was probably over-doing it, but she didn't mind, this was an Alpha after all. And she had rarely encountered another Alpha before, even the mated Alpha pair in her parents pack she had rarely seen and never talked to. Hopefully her optimism and longing to join showed in her words and give her more chance at being accepted.

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