[M] And if I bleed...
Her grip was tight on his arm, her eyes riveted on his. He didn't know if it was growl, howl or snarl on her lips, but it was good, it was strong. He couldn't look away from those eyes, couldn't hide the own heated emotions that rushed to his own eyes as he knew in his heart that she would survive this. He let out a ragged breath, suddenly exhausted. Still, he needed to wrap the ribs to prevent her movement from jostling them too much. And stitches for her face, or bandages. Something. He forced himself to draw in another breath, the cloying scent of blood and seared flesh making him feel nauseated. He gently disengaged her hands from his fur before stumbling to the small window and forcing it open. The sun heated air still felt cooler than the air in the room. He breathed deeply for a moment before turning back to the woman in the bed, his gaze skipping over his leader and his son, then back to them in surprise. He had forgotten they were there, even though they'd been helping him. He wanted to ask how long it had been that he'd been working on Gemma, but didn't.

"All thats left is the stitches on her face if I can, bandages if not. And wrapping her ribs." His gaze was drawn to hers again. He began moving again, his fingers lifting to her chin, inspecting the torn skin, as though the intense blue gaze hadn't affected him. He took a clean damp cloth and began washing her face gently. He glanced up, his eyes moving around to his son and the nightstand. "Poppy seeds. She needs the pain relief, now that we have time." Myrddin left the room, returning with the seeds. Tal shook out a few into his palm, and held them out for Gemma to eat. "This will ease the pain, and make you a little sleepy."

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