Ascend into Darkness
Word Count :: 000 || Points: 0 Ooc.

Itzal could tell this man was from home. The scent was ingrained in him and Itzal could pick out the scent of individuals in the pack on the man. It reassured Itzal that this man, Mido he said his name was, wouldn't attack a fellow family member, as long as he was sure that Itzal was family. Itzal was trying to figure out how to explain to Mido and convince him that he was, indeed, a member of Anathema, when the man gave him the means to. Itzal returned the mutt's half smirk with a full one of his own. "Aeron is our new Angela. She has been forced to take on a great burden with the departure of both Alaki and Naniko. But so far she has held everything together very well. And many of our family have stepped up to back her, as they rightly should." He said, his smirk still there upon his face. He fully approved of Aeron taking charge. He wasn't sure he would have wanted anyone else to take over for the two other Angela's.

Itzal watched Mido's stance and nodded his approval. He was skilled. And Itzal wasn't sure he wanted to get in a fight with this one. It wasn't that Itzal wouldn't. Itzal would kill the man without fear or hesitation. But Itzal had some self preservation skills, and while he might win the fight, it would be at a great cost. Mido would get in some good hits, maybe even fatal ones. So Itzal would try and stay smart about this but he was always willing to do what he had to. "So, now that you are sure I'm one of the pack and family, are you willing to put your weapon away??" Itzal asked, holding a throwing knife in his hand and tossing it and catching it. He never took his eyes off of Mido.

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