in this quiet country

apologies for the quality of this post. today's chem test completely fried my brain!
words: 241

The pony was indeed supremely unconcerned with the arrival of the other male, being far more interested in the filling of his gut than the inspection of another canine. Many years of domestication by luperci had dulled that particular section of the Shetland's flight instinct - another reason why Theo was especially concerned about keeping the plucky beast unharmed on these foreign shores. "My family lives in Scottland," he commented in reply, giving a firm identity to his accent. "I just arrived here a few weeks ago m'self, and brought him to do all of the heavy lifting." A bit of a smile - although the comment in itself wasn't altogether humorous, he found the fact that he needed a beast of burden to haul his belongings ironic. His work, his loom and his weaving collectively made up such a huge part of his life that he couldn't imagine himself without them. Even here, so very far away from home.

"A horse breeder, eh?" He was impressed. Raising horses was a complicated business, one as easily complex as his own. A thousand other questions bubbled at his lips. What part of Europe? How long were you there? What did you think? Why did you come back here, to this barbaric place? But it would be unseemly to pepper a brand-new acquaintance with a ream of questions; besides, he wasn't that homesick, not yet. "Do you have any horses of your own?"


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