Is it okay to smile?
Zalen Damaichu
OOC | WC :: +1

Zalen watched as Adonia’s hesitation melted into free-spiritedness and she joined him in the surf. The female’s bark betrayed her heritage, and she seemed very dog-like in that moment, but Zalen didn’t care, and he frolicked with her through the waves, returning her nips with ones of his own. He laughed at her when she sneezed the salt water out violently before he bounded onto the sand and collapsed in a wet, black, panting heap.

He waited for Adonia to join him, and nuzzled up against her when she did, and for a moment he just laid there, letting his breathing slow down beside him. It felt good to be so relaxed and close to someone, and not have to worry about rank or etiquette; sometimes, Zalen just had to be a wolf. The Damaichu man then let out a long sigh, and looked up at her, "Does it bother you? That I’m like this?" He asked this in almost a pleading nature, but didn’t allow her to answer before he went on to his next statement, one that he knew would be dangerous, "Adonia, I don’t want to frighten you, but you are very appealing to me, and I would hope that you don’t get frightened if I… try to mate with you." He was being very forthright, but he had to be so; he could not in full consciousness push himself upon her in that way, so he felt he had to give her some forewarning. If Adonia was in any way still tapped into her body’s natural instincts, his proposition should not be frightening to her, as strange as it was to say it out loud.

i run wild, i run free
template by revo. <3


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