Is it okay to smile?
Zalen Damaichu
OOC | WC :: +1

He could immediately feel the tension build after he had finished speaking and Adonia nearly shrunk away beside him, not speaking. This caused Zalen to immediately regret his forwardness, though he had only wished to be transparent. His ears flattened against his head and whined apologetically, setting his still dripping muzzle down on the ground between his feet, "I’m sorry… I just…" He sighed; he wasn’t very good at his.

With Titania it had been easy; it was love at first sight, and instant connection, but one wrought out of naivety and youth. Now that he was a little older, a little more experienced in the ways of romance and sex, he knew that sometimes it was important to keep the two separate. Zalen liked Adonia, she was fun, she made him feel young and free; but it was much too soon to take on another mate now. But the Alpha was a creature driven by instinct, and he knew that he had to procreate, and Adonia would be an excellent girl to do so with. But he would not, could not force her to do anything she did not want to; they were wolves evolved past the feral ways of their ancestors; he could not just take her as he wanted.

He let out a sigh, conflicted; he wanted to procreate with her, he would fight other males for the right to do so, but there was the chance he could fight a hundred men and she could still reject him, as unfair as that was. Zalen rolled over onto his side then, "Adonia…" he whined.

i run wild, i run free
template by revo. <3


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