[m] perfection will not come
amg so much sad feels in my head

Pity. It was pity. He expected no less, and honestly did not think that his honor was coming back to him any time soon. His head ached, and he was tired all the time as the familiar pangs of hunger plagued him less and less often. It was all a bad sign, he knew, but in his heart he could hardly care what they meant for him. Strel was ill but he could still function as best as he could. It did not bother him that he was growing weaker; he was always weak. What was a little more frail going to do to the already thin, lanky man?

Regardless, he peered at the stuttering man, oddly comforted by the words. It was nice to hear that people still thought of him well and actually cared for him. But his duty to the pack was over, and he could relax at last without the pressures of eyes from all sides looking at him. He had been a poor leader, and his only saving grace had been his easy attitude with everyone and the lighthearted interactions with all of them. But now, they could look at him and see the fallen grace and the absence of the once prim and proper Dauphin of the Court of Miracles.

Strelein looked away from Trent, the smile twitching but he was no longer bothered by what the others thought of him. He was as low as they could go and the only opinion that mattered was his own. "And what did they say about the disgraced tailor?" he said, his voice mellow despite knowing what they probably had said about him. Disgraced, shameful, embarrassment. Nothing new, nothing new at all. "Please sit," said the tailor as he gestured to the bed again, knowing he had been rather unclear. But he was always unclear lately, head befuddled and body sore. "I'm afraid all I can offer you is alcohol and I'm sure you'd like to avoid it." A semblance of his former dignity was slipping into his words from the habitual ease he had used before. "Perhaps I need an ear, someone to tell the stories left to. I have quite a few and I'm not even six years old," he said with a dark laugh, pulling out a half full bottle of a wine. It was a lot lighter and less potent compared to the heavy drinks he usually took these days. "This one is lighter if you are feeling peckish."

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