[M] City of Sin
OOC text

She stood up when he emerged, but was quick to submit. She looked good; she was fit; he had never seen her in Optime before. Beside her obvious eye injury, she was in perfect condition, and an excellent example of the female form. Zalen had paid much attention to her or her pup after they had arrived and it had seemed as if Shadowfang had quickly moved in on her, but nothing had transpired so far and so he had to assume she was still available.

The Alpha moved up to her slowly, but his ears came forward fully when she moved towards him, returning his growl. It wasn’t aggressive in any sense, but somewhat dominant, but he respected her for not backing down. The large Alpha moved to push the woman down and nearly straddled her, but instead of doing anything vulgar or dangerous he instead went to comb his nails through her hair. She was still wet from her own swim and he was dripping, too distracted by her to even as shaken himself.

Finally he found his words, Good morning to you too, I’m much better now that I’ve found you. His voice was low, but unpleasant, there was nothing dark about what he had said. He buried his face into the crook of her neck and took a deep inhale of her intoxicating, wet scent.

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