i can't get it out of my head
mall-caps;">this table was touched by Misery

Eying the young male with a faint, knowing smile, feeling excited to have the boy around even if they hardly knew one another. He was a tie, a direct tie, to a piece of her past.
"Of course we can look around now. One thing we have now that might be a bit like home," she began, leading him towards the community dens. "We discovered a large cavern in the side of Ashen Mountain, and the more we investigated, the more we found. The cavern system is big enough for the whole pack, and then some, so we live here together. Any empty room you can claim as your own, and you're free to explore the rest of the caverns too. We have a library and a few storerooms with random nick nacks." She said, a proud smile on her face. She had been one of the first to explore with Mordulin that day when they had uncovered the giant crack in the Mountain's wall. "There hasn't been a whole lot of drama since you guys left, Inferni grew some, shrank some, had an issue with a wolf who is in Storm, luckily though, they seem pretty docile when it comes to Jaded Shadows." No need to explain the whys or hows, already there was probably enough talk of her dealings with Kaena running amuck. "We're about like we always have been, quiet, peaceful. The sleepy little mountain pack." She said with a grin.


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