[M] Don't Phunk with my Heart

Hehe, you don't have to worry about graphics with me :"> Just so ya' know..though I don't know how graphic you get ....maybe I should worry -giggles-

Word Count → 000

She didn't have to find him, the male came to her, and from the glimmer she caught of him he had a mission. The dominant male came at her, his musky scent seemed stronger than last she remembered and her body felt on fire with desire. What was wrong with her? Her whimpers came out in a more needy way than she desired. Hell, she didn't even want to whimper. Her tail tucked but at the same time it wanted to flag for him. She didn't allow it, she didn't want to be easy to him, she didn't want to feel like a whore. Not like her mother was. She whined again. The male came flying at her flank, his mouth immediately grabbed her scruff. He held her gently, but his rough actions somehow fed her desires for a dominant male to handle her. She was so soft and gentle, she loved being treated with tenderness, but some how today she didn't want that. She wanted a male, a brute. Zalen either sensed it, or just somehow fit the grove perfectly. His growl made her tail wag and come out from tucking

She made a more throaty whimper, she wanted to nip him playfully, but she almost didn't know what to do. Adonia wanted him. Oh, did she want him, but she didn't want him to think she was easy. She refused to flag for him, to set her tail aside. Her lips curled up, the longer he held onto her. She didn't know what would happen the moment she did that, but she didn't want him to go immediately for her. It wasn't going to work that way. Her ears folded back tightly as she shot him a warning glance. She gave him the time to move himself..hopefully he would.

Code by the Mentors; photo courtesy to effika

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