written on our hearts and souls

*wanders in sheepishly* Also, this will be the first time people know of her pregnancy Big Grin

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She'd been lying on a straw matress, the same one she and Styx used when they slept. Her fingers idly caressed her now protruding belly, her mind on the life inside her. A few more weeks now and she would give birth. She hummed a melody to herself, the tune something she'd heard her mother's cousin sing, the tune of sorrow and loss, for the female in question had been small, scrawny and unfit for Asgard training. Her dark hair fell around her face and her blue eyes seemed unfocused, almost blind to her surroundings. There seemed to be a wistful mood in the air, one that Hel embraced. When Iskata's call came, at first she did not break her singing, instead closing her eyes, closing herself in more.

Outside the house, she heard Styx walking past and her heart clenched. Yes, she should go. But sitting like this, in warm sunlight, her whole being focused inwardly, was bliss. She could almost not bear to break it. Hel was a warrior, and a leader, and one Council member had called to them all. Slowly, as if disentangling herself from cobwebs, she got up and stretched. Absently, she grabbed her burgundy red cloak and tied it over her shoulders. Everything done slowly, as if she waa barely awake. Her steps were slow, her gaze unfocused.

Eventually her body seemed to waken and she strode more confidently. Her singing stopped, she tied her hair back in her ponytail and walked confidently to the meeting place. The first thing she noticed was that she was the last to arrive. She noted that Anu was there, so was Styx, the leaders were waiting and Asmodai seemed to be close to their golden leader. Hel took her place with Deuce and Iskata, making no show of her now visible pregnancy and taking the time to nod at each individual. The fay, playful mood was gone. Here stood the black warrior. Apologies to everyone for my delay. Iskata, Deuce, what is this about? Her tone, which had been soft in her song was the casual, cold, decisive one they were familiar with. Only when she locked eyes with Styx for the briefest moment did she seem to lose the icy exterior and be the future mother again. But only for the tiniest second.


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