[M] Panic!

OOC Edited, because the last bit seemed a little too abrupt, hope this one is better

Word Count → 000

His body resounded with his own need. It was a burning desire, as sure as the intoxicating scent in his nostrils. His head was light, but his movements weren't. Man and beast were no longer at war in his mind, beast had won. It was exhilerating this feeling, letting loose. The feel of her lips on his, their tongues meeting half way made his body tremble. She closed her eyes and so did he until he parted from her. She met his eyes full on, and there he could see that he was finally getting through to her. She was enjoying this, this side of him, her gaze hungry for more-- insatiable, even. It excited him, and he felt good that at last he had her approval. The dog in him, like his ancestors, was always eager to please.

Her moan rang in his ears and he closed his eyes, buried his nose in her fur and inhaled her scent. Surely as the wine her aroma had much the same affect. She grasped his arm tightly in her hand and he rubbed the bean with his thumb with increasing pressure, her pleasure at his touch exciting him so the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. His lips were a whisper on her flesh, his breathing becoming ragged. He wanted to take her and fill her with him, plant the seed. The wetness of her folds was enticing, his fingers slick with her juices. It was just too much, too tempting. He had to have her. A little voice in the back of his head screamed 'no' that this was the worst thing he could do, chiding him for losing himself so readily. A man who called himself a knight, a soldier who lived for honor.

She gasped as he pulled her too him, wrapping her legs around him. His growl echoed hers, rumbling deep in his chest. His member throbbed longingly for her opening. The very tip touched the top, not quite there. She pulled him to her, and his muzzle was at her neck, kissing and biting in a lustful frenzy. Her legs squeezed him tightly, begging him to enter her, and eagerly he adjusted himself until his member rested lightly at her opening. But he paused, something wasn't right. The pressure lessened. His eyes darted to her face, brows furrowing, though his breathing remained ragged. Her legs fell from his waist and frantically she squirmed out from under him. He didn't quite understand what going on. "Sidra?" he whispered huskily, confused. Then her words hit him like a ton of bricks, snapping him out of his awful trance. God, what had he done?

Her expression was one of shame, and his gaze turned away from her after seeing the way she retreated from him, curling herself into a tight ball. He sat up quickly and placed his chin in his hand as the realization began to sink in. "No, please...I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me, it's not like me to lose control."He lifted himself off the couch and came to a stand, hand rapidly moving to run through his disheveled mane in a panic. His mind was a whirlwind of emotion; guilt, disappointment, and embarrassment as he looked down at himself, his arousal wilting before him, spreading a dull ache in his lower body. Alister's cheeks blazed with a searing blush and he hastily gathered up his pants, turning his back on her he quickly wore them, fingers fumbling over the laces until he finally managed to tie them up properly this time-- perhaps a little too tightly.

Hazel eyes fell at the floor, looking at his pack which lay there, it's contents haphazardly spilling on the dusty floor-- the wolf plush, a gift for Isa's newborn children, glaring up at him accusingly. "I should have just left..." He murmured. "This isn't like me... I've -I've...never done this before." strode to the window, drawing back a moth-eaten curtain to gaze upon the abandoned streets. Night was already upon them, the moon high in the sky by this point, and with her heat still blazing it wasn't safe. She spoke of the consequences, he exhaled unsteadily and glanced over his shoulder at where she sat on the couch. "Believe me, I understand...better than most." Who better to understand than a bastard like himself?

He turned back to gaze out the window, hardly acknowledging that she'd said anything more, pleading for him to stay despite what had happened. "It's late..." he said after a stifling silence, his voice quiet, and strangely calm as he tried to pretend this didn't affect him as much as it had. He'd nearly lost control, and the consequences...He didn't even want to think of it. He sighed as he walked to the table where he grabbed for the bottle, not even bothering with the glasses anymore, and downed a large gulp.

After he set the bottle down he focused his eyes on the ceiling, anything to keep his mind off of her, what he had done...Her bloody heat. He wanted nothing more than to leave, but the city wasn't safe at night, especially for her. "The city's not safe at night...It's best if I stay here." He said, hoping to regain some semblance of honor. "...to protect you...I'm good for that, at least." His words were bitter, but his offer was sincere."And don't worry, I won't touch you again... You can trust me." He hated himself for losing control like this, it showed in his features, the look in his eyes- mirroring her own. But he couldn't leave her here alone, the scent of her heat was like to draw in unwanted company, and not all of them would be as well-meaning as he. "Unless you want me to leave..?"

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