Charm drew her feet up into her as she felt the tears come from her eyes. She sniffed the hate she felt from and to the young women was too much for her. Charm was a flower, she couldn’t take the fact, and that she knew someone hated her. What bothered her even more knew that she hated her too. That was what got the lady more than any other thing. Seeing the white lady's shift from two legs down to four, Charm cocked her head to the side, she wondered why someone would want to leave the body that allowed them so much freedom, so much right.

Sniffing as she took her arm and wiped away the tears from her face she moved further to the end of her rock, as she rolled over onto her knees and rested her weight down onto her hands. Watching as the white female moved with an older grace losing her more humanoid looks for the more primal wolf looks. The female had herself so worked up from crying that she gasped for air as her lungs spazzed three times. Her hand lifted up as she covered up her she watched with her purple eyes. Charm hopped she wouldn’t be caught.

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