Gray Goose
The canine was startled a bit at first when a young woman found her way up to the roof, she was holding the drawing that he had messed up on a bit to her body. He then wrote on a fresh sheet of paper, I'm sorry, did that hit you? I can't get the shape right. If you want to say something you can write it down on here, I'm deaf He nodded toward his fowl friend, letting her know this was the goose he hadn't "gotten the shape right" on, before handing her the sheet of paper. Edgar wondered what was with the art on her body, it looked beautiful but at the same time so strange. He hadn't seen any other canine with markings like the ones she had. Could she be from a tribe or a pack of some sort? Taking a whiff of the scent that was emanating from her, he found that she did smell like she came from a pack. Edgar had wanted to join a pack, one that would praise his artistic ability. He had caught the scent, weeks ago, of a pack that smelled of roses and clay; he planned on gathering up some courage to go back there and check it out. This female sure didn't smell like roses or clay though, she obviously came from a pack much farther away.

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