Torn Family, Broken Heart, Fractured Mind
A stirring sound brought her closer. Dalgina stepped through the pieces, the scent of wood shavings not as comforting as they should have been. The scent in the back was dark and heavy, the smell of someone that hadn't left for some time. Fearful she continued on her way, a croaking noise breaking out. Carefully she poked her head around the corner, finding something that she had feared. Her papa, lying on the ground, fur matted and body wasted away. Was he dead?

Papa! Rushing to his side with a wail Dalgina broke down, tears streaming down. Kneeling she tried to pull him up, tried to fix things. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Papa don't die! Why had this happened? Dalgina didn't know how to fix this, how to make it better. Her family didn't exist anymore. There was her, Keldava, Taru, Ovi, Tehu, Fawkes, and Kelia. That was all. It wasn't the family she'd started with, and she hadn't gone looking for a new one. Why did Papa have to go too?

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