The Lost Queen
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ooc: Big Grin It's quite alright. No worries.

Her form was that of a charging beast but there was no hostile intent behind it. Only the mirth of one that had seen a familiar face that lost to the circumstances of fate. But a like glimmer was not in the pale woman’s eyes upon seeing the autumn female. There was fear in her eyes, the kind that forced the Nomad to slow and watch with apparent confusion at the odd behavior of the once known Dawn Alphess.

X’yrin did not know what she was seeing…what she was hearing coming from the frightened female. As she tumbled back gracelessly, the Issor sprang before in vain to soften the fall, then quickly backed a stepped when the defensive arm came up before her. Not Titania? Surely the Nomad wasn’t mistaken. Though she had not seen the young female in some time, the scent was still recognized to belong to her. And if that were not enough, the coloring was distinctly the same. This had to be hear…to assume something other would have been denying what was right in front of her.

“Titania…” lowering her head the golden woman whined softly. “Do you not remember me?” A gentle poke to her back leg briefly turned her gaze to the curious pup wiggling his way between her legs to stand within her protective shadow. Assuring his safety with a lick to his muzzle, she looked back to the frightened queen. “I am X’yrin, Titania….your friend. And friend to your mate. He has been worried about you, and I as well. Do you not remember my face?”

262 words.

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