Gray Goose
I was so tempted to put “lol” and smileys in her note to him. :x

The fiddler had sensed that something was not quite right with the dog -- nothing distasteful, but there was something. Her bright eyes watched him form a note on the paper, puzzled at first, then understanding: he was deaf. The Norwegian felt a rush of pity for the handsome male, hating to think of how he might suffer. Then again, many creatures were blind, deaf, or otherwise hindered in some way, and they adapted to the world and lived just as well as those who weren’t. Very often, they even seemed to have unusual talents. But there was always a balance, and at the moment it didn't look like the dog was suffering from anything more than annoyance that he could not get his artwork right.

Lynx held the picture out in front of her and looked at it more carefully, arching a brow. It was slightly disproportionate, maybe, but it was still beautiful, much better than any drawing she could have made. Still, she understood the Spaniel's frustration, for she was an artist herself. There were few things more irritating than being unable to find the notes she was looking for. It was hard, sometimes, not to smash her violin against the ground, so she could see why Edgar would crumple and toss a drawing he didn't like. She took the paper from him and eagerly scrawled a note in large, round letters.

Yes, but there is no harm done. I think it’s a beautiful picture.
My name is Lynx. You are?

Smiling, she passed the paper back.

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