Man Amplifier

Helloooooo :3

The Russian woman had ventured to the area of St. John's once before, but it had been a long time. She could remember bits and pieces of the place, but she had been in a hurry to isolate herself from the other Luperci on her ship before they figured out her parents never intended for her to board it.

Vladislava, mounted upon her dappled steed, looked around the town with curious green eyes. Occasionally she would click her horse's reigns to keep his steady pace flowing smoothly, but aside from that, all she was really doing was observing the pretty suburb bathed in the pale, pink sunlight. She wondered vaguely why she had never visited this territory sooner—she had been a sucker for beauty, and this town was certainly gorgeous in the morning sun's rays. Instead she had spent most of her days near the ocean, and although she dearly enjoyed being close to the water, it wouldn't hurt a bit to come to St. John's more often.

After a bit of touring through the streets and stores—she did in fact find a few fancies, but rather decided to save her plundering for another trip—she was ready to move onto another portion of the small city. That was, until a familiar scent passed into her nose. She halted Dmitrii abruptly, dark ears adjusting to better locate the source. That couldn't be... Was that... Edgar? Her mute friend from weeks before? She blinked, her eyes slowly widening. Had Vladi stumbled across her Brittany friend? She could hardly believe it. But, alas, there was his smell nearby.

With a determined nod, she snapped Dmitrii's ropes, making him trot in the direction of the scent. In a moment's time, a recognizable face was in her field of vision, and a smile came onto Vladislava's muzzle. So, she had found him. She saw the paper he was scribbling upon and her grin widened. The Kalashnikov heiress remembered distinctly how much she loved the deaf Luperci's artwork, and she was rather pleased she could see more of his drawings. As she came closer to the male, the cool morning's breeze blowing through her dark fur, she slowed her Clydesdale to a stop, and was about to call out Edgar's name, but soon stopped herself. Rather quickly she reminded herself he wouldn't be able to hear her, and she instead hopped off of Dmitrii and took a few slow steps toward him, her smile softening. Her tail curled as a sign of pleasantness and overall happiness she could see him again, and with a small bow, she silently greeted him.

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