I'm still here
Drahnor - http://i.imgur.com/oZPud.png
Adam - http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-w3Q-PnXA9kQ/TcgX...sky-Puppy-9.jpg
Lorenna Makenzi - http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/194...nce-d573dd6.png
Starr Talc - http://o.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/fss/d3330e...cebaby+copy.png
Ky'Ry' - http://i40.tinypic.com/uosbs.jpg

Behind her her son's call echoed, strong and powerful. She was proud of him, proud of her family, torn and shattered as it was. It was her fault, all her fault. Tears came but she brushed them away angrily. She shifted, sinking down into her lupus form, which only accentuated her thinness. Her spine pressed upwards and her legs bony, her ribs bulging out savagely. Her coat, a patchwork quilt was ragged and tattered, patchy in places, stress had caused it to begin to fall out along with her own teeth.

Her children were happy to see her, they knew not of the wrongs she had committed upon their older siblings nor of how their father hurt inside. All they knew was each other and their increasingly skinny mother. They spoke barely with babbling garbled words, their main word Mahn and occasionally mama. The whole litter of them was small, almost underdeveloped. They should have known the rest of their family long before now, long before they reached this stage. They run in between her legs and tugged on her sparse fur and she let them.

"Come now. Follow me." They toddled after her as she nosed the door open, out into the rest of the house, a world they had never seen before. She exited the house first and froze under the battered gaze of three of her family and her old friend. Neither Keldava nor Dalgina were anywhere to be seen. But Pandora was here, hanging onto Temo. He looked like she did, as though he had aged several years in the last month. There was nothing she could say to ever mend the wound, nothing she could do, only beg for forgiveness. Before she could say anything however, although Ookami's whimper and whisper had her hunkering down and avoiding his eyes, the children came spilling out from behind her. Well four of them did, Ky'Ry' with her sightless eyes was reluctant to leave her side and she picked her up by the scruff and then nudged her forwards, the little girl relied on sound and smell very much.

Temo's scent made up a lot of Jace's own as hers did to him, and was very present in the bedroom where they had been kept so it was to him they crowded first, recognizing the familiar.

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