baby girl
He hadn't caught the words the first time she said them and his cooing and crooning had faultered when he realized just what it was the baby girl had spoken into his throat as his raised his head away from hers and stared out into the summer evening that was closing quickly around them. A darkness seemed to creep into his soul as he realized with a cold dawning what she'd said. Gently wrapping his arms around her waist as she fell into a dead exhaust the male could feel the slight bulge that was growing over her normally flat abdomen. Baring his fangs to the coming night the gentle big brother could hear the voice in the back of his mind again, calling and taunting. "So, outlaw.." it rang out as he closed his eyes on the fury that was boiling in his soul.

Tears fell hot from his lids as he bit his lip to keep the rage at bay. He'd let her escape and she'd fallen into the hands of a monster, like the monster that had spawned him. He'd vowed once to protect her, to keep her from harm.. and he'd failed. Tightening his hold on the child who was too young to be a mother, still just a kid herself he felt his heart breaking. He'd let this happen, his own kid sister, a dark little beauty with a dangerous heart.. he knew she'd get herself hurt oneday... but he'd never imagined it would have been like this. He wouldn't let it happen, he couldn't. She didn't want them and he wouldn't want her to have them, not like this, not at the hands of a monster.

He opened fury filled eyes, knowing he was a monster, holding a babe that was blinded by love, unable to see what he himself was.

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