Flowers falling
WC :: 4+ OOC :: S’cute!

He hadn’t meant to catch her off guard, but when Keldava’s nickname hit his ears, the hybrid couldn’t help himself but smile radiantly at her. Blue, he repeated in his head, liking the sound of it and knowing full well it was because of his eyes. His mother loved them and often reminded him of their hue telling him that they changed in color sometimes, going from light to dark seemingly at random. She felt they were special...magical maybe, little did they know it was a clear indication of unwanted company. Sorry, he blurted, hoping his practiced stealth hadn’t truly upset her, but then she went ahead to thank him for the flowers.

Hei could hear the tone of misunderstanding in her voice, but he didn’t take it offensively. He merely nodded, not many understood the depths and message of flowers and flora as he did, but to each their own. He was aware his little hobby was a practiced affair in what the humans called the Victorian era and though he prided himself on this unique knowledge, he knew not everyone felt so warmly about their predecessors or their day to day actions. Heiro laughed at the kitten’s sudden expletive, finally noticing its presence and murmuring to himself along the lines of “good thing that’s not poisonous.” Yet his dopey smile faltered when Keldava’s mood changed once more, obviously her physical response to his noticing her scars.

Questions whirled about his head while he studied her with softer eyes. Nothing could make her ugly in his eyes and though their first meeting had been brief, somehow the multi colored girl had made a lasting impression on him. Something about her kept him up at night, made him collect the flowers he so carefully gathered and arranged, and like a love struck puppy, Heiro had returned to this spot frequently throughout the weeks following. Buddy called it a fling, or some childish infatuation, but Heiro had a feeling the ethereal wolf was simply jealous of his emotions towards the Arte girl and nothing more. Kel’s confession caught him off guard. How could one’s mother do such a thing? He stopped himself before he could say so, squelching the anger rising up his body.

This was obviously something that deeply disturbed her and Heiro knew not to pry unless she was ready to share. Well...if it’s any consolation, I still think you’re beautiful as ever and...and if you want to talk about it, I’m all ears, he said quickly in one breath, hoping his own confession wasn’t too much.

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