Blood on my hands

Well, Savina's so sweet, he couldn't possibly be mean to her. XD. -Ruffles his hair.- He really isn't that bad of a guy. XD

Emotions, so far as he was concerned, served only to complicate life. Usually he was pretty good about beating his own into submission, although arguably he was a little too good at it. Maybe a man that never trusts can never be betrayed, but he can never really feel the warmth or true beauty of love or even friendship, either. Furthermore, when confronted with the emotions of others, he often found himself confused. He certainly lacked empathy; no doubt it was a consequence of his rather emotionally desolate childhood. He was never encouraged to feel, only to fight and to calculate--by both his parents and his environment. Even so, he slipped up once in awhile, and he hated himself for it. He viewed it as weakness--and there he was being irrational, for any truly sentient being was doomed to question life and their own feelings. It was natural, but that didn't mean he had to like it.
He did like this encounter, though. She'd earned some respect in his book--despite her worries, she hadn't rejected his logic. It was almost frightful how emotions could do that to a creature; they could lead perfectly intelligent beings to disregard things that were slapping them in the face. It also felt strangely nice to help somebody else to feel better even without getting anything in return. "I'm glad you're feeling better," he remarked, his tone a degree warmer than usual and strangely genuine. All the while, he found himself inwardly laughing at the prospect of someone taking his advice so seriously. He decided he ought to come with a warning label; this thought brought a grin to his face, although he allowed it to fade away before it looked unnatural.
Her title was foreign and had a lovely ring to it; it was smooth and rolled off the tongue nicely, plus it just sounded pretty. He decided that it suited her quite well. "I'm Anselm," he offered in return.

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