A dark canvas and an empty ink well

wc; 373

Life was always to full of ‘what ifs’. Every turn made had an annoying, ‘what about the other direction?’ attached to it. Anu hated wondering about what she could have done to make the outcome different. But all the hate in the world could not stop her from wondering, trying to understand where she had gone wrong, or where she missed the turn she was supposed to go down. Life just had far to many options that made the decision making process far too difficult.

It was obvious, from even the small amount of time they shared, that Savina was far from an irrational being. Anu wanted to stand beside her on the mansion’s stairs and watch for danger to approach. As passive as she naturally was, that spark of anger would not fade from inside her. She wanted to be understanding and forgive the male for the mistakes he had made, but she had seen the deep pain in Naniko’s eyes. There was nothing she wouldn’t do to erase that hurt from her.

Her hair rose when the words were spoken, feeding off of her new comrades anger. She gave a small nod, taking the name and placing it in a corner of her mind. There it would stay till the day they met, even if Anu didn’t know what coat he wore or eyes he had, she would at least know what he called himself. She took a deep slow breath, releasing her rage with as she exhaled, giving it to the dark air and freeing herself from its power.

“I won’t forget that.” A promise she was happy to give the Twilight Vale female. A small weight floated from her shoulders, and Anu let her features relax, it was hard for her to be so angry very long. She felt responsible for bringing back old and bad memories for the raven female, neither needed to feel such hate and anger. “Do you all live in this house?” Letting the subject move from Conri and back to a source of pride for her family. “Its absolutely massive.” Her eyes looked bright and easy, eager to ease Savina’s anger. It was just her nature to extinguish the flames.


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