A dark canvas and an empty ink well
http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c73/p ... able-1.png); background-position:center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Its really bad when they play my favorite shows in hours long blocks. Makes it -so- hard to tear myself away sometimes, lol XD
wc 322

She could feel the anger radiating off the other female. In a bizarre way it was almost comforting. Knowing that she was not the only one who felt that rage towards the red male who had so hurt their friend. Maybe with Anu keeping an eye out as well they could be that much surer that Naniko would be kept safe. Savina would never let him touch another hair on the ivory female's body, even if she had to give her own life to make that happen. Anu said that she would not forget his name. Savina believed her whole-heartedly.

The sable girl was glad for the change of subject. She felt her muscles slowly relax and the monster inside her went back into dark submission. She breathed a deep breath into her lungs, trying to clear her head completely, so she could act more like her usual self. Her slender head swiveled back to look at the grand mansion. A smile came back to her soft features. "Yeah, we all do. Its really nice, having everyone together." It had taken the "traditional" wolf a while to get used to the idea of sleeping in a human house instead of a den outside. But it had become a staple of her life here in Twilight Vale. Sometimes she missed sleeping outside, however she loved having all of her pack so close to her.

A small chuckle came from her throat as the older femme commented on the size of the structure. "Yeah it is. I remember I was really taken aback when I first saw it. I always lived as a more traditional wolf in my old pack. Never had anything to do with anything human. It definitely has its advantages though." The two year old was surprised, happily so, how much calmer she already was. She wasn't sure if it was the subject or Anu herself. Either way it was nice.


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