Gray Goose
eek! I'll be faster from now on.


Lynx had not even seen many disabled canines. After she left her family, she sometimes stayed with one pack or another that was kind enough to let her rest up for a few days during her travels. In one of these packs lived a young female who had lost her hind leg after a bear attacked her. Lynx had spoken with her briefly, but all the woman said about her injury was that she remained in her lupus form more often than most, which did not seem to bother her since the pack was more primitive anyway. The de Macian remembered this wolf being very strong, serene and mature for her age, and never overly preoccupied with the loss of her limb. Remembering her, Lynx was certain that she would not be surprised if she perhaps discovered similar things about Edgar.

As she read his words, the girl was struck by his courtesy, the kindhearted compliment making her pale cheeks turn rosy. Giving him a shy, flattered smile, she returned a note: How kind of you, Edgar. These tattoos were given to me by an artist on my journey across the sea. One of his paintings was of a woman with similar markings. I loved the image so much that he offered to give the markings to me as well. I could not refuse.

Ivan had been such a sweet, romantic man. She did her very best to block the memory of the night they had spent together when he gave her face its uniqueness, averting her thoughts to the present and looking curiously at Edgar for his reaction.


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