[J] - Just Another Day In The Life of Leviothan
He'd just considered giving up when both the scent and sound of someone approaching caught his senses, his copper toned fur slightly standing on end. Immediately he lowered himself down to the ground to make him look less threatening while placing the crude wooden sword on the ground next to him. The knife was slid into his pack and his tail went between his legs in a sign of submitting and reprieve. His ears went down to half mass, a normally not taken route upon his body language. When he heard her speak, he couldn't help but grin softly. She had a nice voice in his opinion.

"Pardon me for being so close. My name is Leviothan Moonbreaker, a Coyote Wolf mix. I've been around this general area for a few days and I'd like to join your pack."

When he spoke, his tone came out softly lower then it had intended to. Perhaps so that his voice wasn't so gruff. He looked very much like a feral Optime, aside from his grooming which have given him a long copper toned mane. He shifted in place just slightly and lowered his gaze once again. By now he was nearly kneeling on his legs, one knee before the other. Despite that, he seemed enthusiastic to meet a leader so early in his wait. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

The crude sword seemed to have come to an abrupt finish near the end, though it had intricate carvings on its hilt. The signature wolf howling at the moon. Either way, it'd been placed to the side, closest to the tree without intruding upon the borders. With one foot forward, his eyes settled on her clawed feet and didn't move. He resisted moving in such a way that would have deemed him unfit to be placed in the pack. One of his hands rose, only to grab and finger at the tooth-made necklace at his neck, his torn clothes. He must have looked like a stray! He shivered just slightly at the thought before shifting in place once again.

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