My life's work, ruined.
Tharin wandered through the pack, examining the damage. The forest had suffered casualties, great trees felled. He found a couple corpses from prey that hadn't managed to escape the storm, and even came across a dead coyote that must have crossed into the territory during the worst of the storm. He nosed that one aside, leaving it be and wondering whether or not he should mention it or let the forest reclaim it. It was unlikely the borders had been noticeable with the storm that had whipped up.

Seeing one of his newer pack mates Tharin trotted over, nuzzling softly against her. His form was proud, looking over the others that had shown up. This used to be the location of that strange building Sky had made. It had been destroyed by the storm as well. We'll have to clear the debris away. That would be the first part. Telling what was actually debris and what was part of the building would be the more difficult part. It was all scattered branches after all. Refusing to give in he grabbed a loose section and began to drag it away to clear the area.

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