M- left enough ignition
OOC:Oh stop it, I'm no hero. Actually nevermind, it's good to get praise every now an then. On with the post.

He cocked his head slightly, musing what it would be like to have a raccoon as a companion. Aren't those things vicious? Well, come to think of it, you could describe some of our beloved pack members with that word. He looked up and down the cave, a least what was visible from his spot on the floor. "A raccoon, eh? And without a scent trail? Chances of you finding him alone are almost zero. Sorry, her." he corrected himself after the hybrid mentioned indirectly that it was a girl.

Lukos stood up and faced the worried hybrid. "Their's two places the little thief could have gone. Deeper in the caves, or outside in the storm. Where do you want to start looking?" he asked, already knowing the answer. You'd have to be insane to go outside right now. Or just very attached to this raccoon.

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