One love, for the Mother's pride
Big Grin lol Gemma be jealous of Myrika

She pranced forwards, as excited as a newborn lamb taking its first steps. Not often she worked herself up into a happy little mood similar to what flooded through her. She pushed her head forwards, nuzzling Vesper's own scarred face, licking at the missing stump of her ear. They had spent only one night together and yet Gemma felt so deeply and fondly for her, she responded with a deep laugh and a shy voice, "Beautiful yourself." Her tail stood high in the air behind her and at a distance her posture might be mistaken for aggression or dominance but.. she was just so happy that she couldn't bear the thought of putting it down.

She wound her way all around Vesper like a coiling snake, pushing her pale body against the coywolf's more patterned one. Gemma still felt the stirrings of lust for the Inferni woman but squashed them down, there was the scent of another that clung to Vesper and instead a strange jealousy rose. "You smell different, more important. Did you gain rank?" She asked curiously, she could have no idea that since their meeting Vesper had been promoted to sub leader of Inferni.

She ceased her coiling and instead sat down in front of the sheyote, her head cocked to the side inquiringly, "Why are you here? So far south..."


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