Am I blurry in your vision?
Word Count :: 541 || Points: 5 Not sure how I feel about this post >.< Sorry if you don't like it.

Something about the way she said hunting told Itzal that it was much more than that. She didn't mean hunting a deer or rabbit. No, Itzal realized, she was hunting something personal. The kind of hunting Itzal had done when he had left Nova Scotia before. The kind of hunting the led to the eradication of his old pack.The kind of hunting the lead to his uncle dying by his hand. The kind of hunting that Itzal had to do. That was the kind of hunting Axelle was doing and Itzal understood that all to well. Itzal heard her growl and frowned, going to the other wall of the cave and sitting against it as he heard her growl cut off. "Okay. So who is the bastard?" He asked, closing his eyes and listening to the rain outside. "Want some help finding him?" He asked. He wasn't sure that she wanted, or even needed help, but he would help her if she wanted. Itzal was good at that kind of thing.

Itzal's eyebrows drew in as she accused him of stupidity. He opened his eyes and met hers with a glare. He knew that she was just frustrated, but Itzal wasn't one to just sit down and take it. Itzal might love Axelle, but that didn't mean he would let her lash out at him and just sit and take it like a pup. Itzal wasn't like that and if Axelle expected that of him, she was wrong. But she knew that. She knew him well enough to know that. "I tracked them. I found them. I only let him out to do the killing. I had too. He was getting restless. If I was forced to sit through this hurricane with him like that, and he had slipped out, there is no telling what would have happened. What if I had hurt someone from the pack, or even killed them? I figured letting him have some control for a while was worth the risk." He said, growling softly. Then he sighed. He wasn't that angry. Because she did have a point. And he could admit that. But only to Axelle. Itzal was stubborn, but he preferred admitting he was wrong too fighting with Axelle. At least, right now he did. Normally he would enjoy fighting with her more, but right now he was just too tired. "Fine. So it was stupid. Can't change it now, the people are already dead, and we are already here." He said, gesturing to take in the cave.

He felt his anger fade quickly and then he looked at her again. "Why are you so mad? After the storm you can get back to hunting. And if you want I'll help you track down the bastard. And when we find him, you can make him pay for whatever he did. Make him wish he had never been born." He said, his voice almost a growl as he finished. Who ever had hurt her or wronged her would pay. He wished he could be the one to make it happen but he knew that it was Axelle's place. He didn't even know who it was, and he was already ready to kill them for her.

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