Gray Goose


She looked over the red patched dog as he wrote, the dry paper illuminated by moonlight so that she could see his print easily. Her eyebrows furrowed with sadness as he described his own reasons for being here, now. Lynx didn't mean to demean him with her pity. It was simply that Edgar seemed like such a kind, talented soul, not someone who deserved to be abandoned. But she was discovering that the world was full of unfairness. Her aunt Lottie once told her that one just had to always look forward, and at the brighter side of things. Otherwise, it was easy to get lost.

Sure enough, what Edgar wrote next made her forget that she had pitied him. The little goose was abandoned too, which probably explained their endearing friendship. The image of a gangly gosling following the Spaniel around was almost too adorable for the sensitive girl to handle. Once Edgar had given her the paper, she eagerly scrawled a note back to him.

Aye, the time does go by. How long have you had her? She must be a very special goose to trust a predator as a friend. I have seen canines with horses, and a few cats, but never a goose.


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