Now the monster is awake
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Pilot finished applying salve to all of Naniko’s stitched wounds. He knew they would be sore when Naniko finally woke up, but hopefully they would be able to heal fairly well as long as she didn’t stress the stitches too much. As he turned back to his bag to grab some gauze he had found in the city, he caught Savina’s gaze. She was doing as he had told her and he could see the anguish in her eyes. He nodded to her, letting her know she was doing perfect, and feeling slightly sorry that she had to be the one to clean the blood. It was a tough job for both of them, but they would get Naniko back on her feet in no time.

He leaned over the female’s slender white body, wrapping the gauze gently around her fresh wounds so that the salve wouldn’t be wiped away. When he was finished, he turned to Savina, checking to see her progress. "Very good," he said, trying to make her feel slightly better about her task of cleaning up. "Can you help me change the sheets?" He only planned on trying to roll away the sheet from underneath Naniko. It was stained with blood and bad memories. The bed, of course, wouldn’t be neatly done up, but at least some fresh linen would cradle Naniko while she rested. He reached up near the headboard, taking a fistful of the fabric and rolling it down towards the Andromeda’s unconscious body. They would need to work together to get the sheet out from underneath her without upsetting her bandages too much.


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