All of us
sorry for taking so long, pp of Saqui agreed by Shaw

This wasn't something she normally would do. She usually avoided the stables unless Io was there, fearful of the animals within but.. there was a time to cower from things and this was not it. She battled her way through the increasingly fierce winds, leaving behind her children within the town hall, Tiva watching over them for her while she kept alive the great fire's embers. The white woman was not the first to arrive and a few people had already assembled to help.

She shied around all of them and darted to Neo's stall. Io's horse, in her opinion, was more important.. at least to her. He was not snorting and rolling his eyes like many of the others but standing almost serenely as though waiting for his feed time. He greeted her with a soft whinny and pushed his warm muzzle against her head. She was just about to open his door and relocate him to another stall when their was a large bolt of lightning and a roll of thunder that had even Neo tossing his head wildly. Their was a loud shriek that was drowned out by the stallion Saqui was attempting to move, his scream was loud, it hurt her ears.

Without thinking or fearing, or stopping to consider her own safety, Gemma darted forwards "Watch out!" Her fingers grabbed onto Saqui's fur and pulled her backwards several inches, and the hooves that had been on course to strike her in the head missed by a fraction. The stallion rose again and Gemma threw her weight against the reigns that Saqui only just had hold of. The beast, an image of many of her nightmares was not a hair's breath from her. But the injured girl and the snowy woman were no match for the stallion's strength, Unatsikanogeni and Sighet and the other unknown woman would have to help.

Her hands were shaking badly as she tried to persuade the kicking horse forwards, towards another open stall where he would be safe, "Come on.. come on!"


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