{M} deep blue
OOC: This was on the open threads list. I'm allowed to post here, rite?

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"If I was alpha..."

A laughing alto song murmured just below the sound of the waves, distant initially and barely audible.

"...I'd be appointed on Friday... assassinated on Saturday... rotted by Sunday... If I was--"

The lines didn't really rhyme, and each iteration of the lyrics was louder than the previous. The singer traveled an unwavering line parallel the coast, jauntily trotting along the sand despite the morbidity of her lyrics, straight on her way to the local port. She navigated primarily by listening to and watching the water, as the fog kept her from seeing as far as she would have liked to.

However, the mourner and the corpse were both on the ground partway between the hyena and her destination. The spotted beast stopped nearly twenty feet off from them, quieting her song and taking a brief sniff of the salty air.

Well, plainly it was another "wolf". She didn't understand the subcategories of "wolf" yet: the coyotes, the dogs, and the wolves proper. In her experience, wolves were inordinately friendly, however, so she felt perfectly confident in trotting closer after her pause. The scent of very old death came to her nose as well, but this scent was indiscernible from food and camouflaged with salt and it didn't occur to her that it should bother her at first.

"How's it, wolf?" she asked cheerily as she came closer, only pausing again when she was close enough to see the other's countenance in the mists. "Oh. Is something the matter?" Her dark eyes went down to the corpse.


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