holding on to let go
The grin of the youth was catching as DaVinci found himself following the lead of someone half his age. The idea of having an outpost made a look of brooding etch across his face, he didn't know a thing about these new lands so he couldn't offer much help but he did agree with the younger of the two. "Yes.. " he admitted, knowing by the look on Apollo's face that he wasn't done plotting.

Turning his eyes to follow the gaze of the cream coated male he grinned at the expansion that spread beyond the mountain. So seriously he spoke of just what he wanted to find, the perfect place for a bunch of outlaws to set their station up. Following the outstretched hand DaVinci caught sight of the bay that seemed so alone out in the distance. A devilish smile spread across his maw, "It's not much to look at.. but we'll have to cheack it out to see how promising it can become." He wasn't for certain on his first day in these lands he'd already developed a partner in crime, or something as close to the idea as can be. Shaking his head at the comment on the coyotes he stated. "They'll never we're even there until we want them to know." with a grin he turned back to the boy and asked. "So when do we begin to stake out our hideaway.."

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