There's only butterflies

The two year old swam over to the same sandbar that Ember had perched herself on. She supposed that if she were going to try this it wouldn't be smart to do it while swimming. She took note of everything the girl said, trying to understand it all as best she could. It was difficult though. Savina had no idea what she would look like in either form. Of course she had seen what other wolves looked like, but they all looked different. Maybe she only had to concentrate on the form, not the small details. At least she hoped that would work.

The female closed her green eyes and began to concentrate on going into the halfling form. She figured that would be the best thing to start with. Doing as Ember said, she pictured a secui formed wolf in her mind, and then thought of the different parts of her body that had to change. As things began to shift and change, a great pain shot through her body. A yelp escaped her and she shivered a bit. She looked over at Ember, jade eyes wide. "Does it always hurt like that? It feels awful..." The wolfess had barely even begun to shift and it hurt.


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