warm fingertips
'Ello Anna luff. Thought I might join you. =3

Late nights walking through front doors at daybreak

____Sounds of nature was exactly what Trinity loved to hear. Whistling to a tune she had in her head, she followed along looking around. A backpack slung over her shoulders, wearing nothing but her usual attire cut off into a muscle shirt and baggy shorts that cut off just below her knees. The women being bigger then a regular female, she understood when Garnet had mistaken her for a man. Whistling as she climbed the rock, she stopped when she saw a figure go deeper into a cave, being swallowed by darkness. However, she didn't even know what it was because the time she got up, she only got a glimpse in her peripheral vision of something moving. Getting fully to the edge of the cave, she looked around but couldn't see inside.
____"Hello?" she whispered but the sound still echoed loudly, "Anyone in here?" she moved a little farther in and cut her breathing slowly and made it quiet so she could hear around her besides the blood pulsing in her ears. Slowly, she was being swallowed by the darkness, clutching onto the knife that was in her pocket.


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