Running from the fear


Eyes always on her, even only half open as she relaxed beside the white wolf, it was too hard to look away. Her ears fell slightly when Naniko spoke, instantly worried that she had stepped over the line, assuming that Naniko would have wanted to see her anyways. But her nerves where calmed slightly, enough for her ears to return to their normal position, when she claimed it was all right to unexpectedly visit.

A piece of Anu, a very large piece, wanted to know for sure how Naniko felt. It was easy to read her body language, thumping tail, smiles and relaxed figure, but she didn’t want to read anything wrong. Anu wanted to be right, wanted to know right where she was and no further along the road, certainly not behind either. The questioned dominated her mind, but the wording would not arrange itself.

“They were wonderful.” So much so that Anu would happily follow her right back to the steps of the large house. Thankfully Naniko spoke more then she did, even being so relaxed and at ease it was still hard for her to express herself while around the alabaster fey. But every answer was yes. She would meet her at the house, the lake. Dive into the water and catch fish with her bare teeth and gut them with her claws. She would carry her up the stairs of her grand house when she was too tired to make the trip, and gladly take her to bed.

What she wanted, Anu would give.

Struck by the onslaught of a realization she laid silent for a moment, trying to recover without giving her confusion away. Finally she spoke, “I would love to see your room.” Hiding a wide smile, she moved quickly from the subject. “Catfish I think. Do you use your teeth? Or a rod?” Naniko would have to teach her if she did, not familiar with many human tools.

“I don’t catch much, just watch and wonder what it would be like to move so easily in my own world.” She rambled now, letting what ever came to mind out. She shut her mouth and rested her chin on the other’s side. For once she had no way of arranging the questions that raced through her brain.


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