Running from the fear
ooc: I'm having Deja Vu. And I just found out that Stargate Atlantis is being cancelled after this season...which upsets me beyond belief.

She had been told that it was good to keep exercising, to keep active and all, but most days she didn't do anything like that. Things that normally took a few minutes wound up taking Naniko an hour to she usually picked one task for the day and got that accomplished, then rested up afterwards. She doubted that anything would happen just because she did a little extra work around the house, but she knew that she couldn't be too careful. She was very worried about losing these pups like she had the last litter.

"When I could shift I used a rod...back when I lived in Clouded Tears. We built a bridge over the river that was perfect for fishing." She nodded, remembering. "Nowadays I've been using a net that Lucifer has. It catches a ton of fish, and it only takes a little bit of work." She wondered what hunting methods Anu used.

The sunlight was coming through the branches but shadows still remained, playing over her white pelt. "Ah...with the way they swim? They can't move so easily in our I think it's a fair exchange. And we can't breathe in theirs...and they can't breathe in ours either" Anu's head against her side felt perfect, like it was meant to be there. "Can you feel them? Sometimes I can feel teeny little movements...but not all the time"


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