woke up to a brand new skyline
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She didn’t focus on the silence — what might be awkward for those more inclined to chat away the quiet was pretty comfortable for her. Nikita wasn’t exactly the greatest conversationalist in the world, and she mostly found solace in the increasingly rare moments where one could simply enjoy the company of another without actively thinking about things to say. Much easier on the mind — and pretty great when she was trying to think about as little as possible. She already felt as though she was operating through a haze, a fog that closed around her senses and her reactions. When Laurel did speak up, it took her a few moments to go through her thoughts and respond with a rather lame, “Yeah.” No, perhaps not the best manners for someone offering you something, but being polite wasn’t high on her list of priorities. It wasn’t as if she would refuse, though.

Nikita paused, sinking deeper into a foggy distance for a moment. If you’ve ever been tired enough to where your eye twitches involuntarily, you might understand what trick her illness decided to pull on her next. It was quick as a flash of a thought, a contortion of the muscles of her face ranging from her right eye to the nearby ear. Just looking, it might have looked like she had gotten momentarily upset about something and then dispelled the thought. A moment of confusion followed by a frown came after the first twitch as she fell into waiting to see what would happen. A few moments later, the exact same nervous twitch happened. She ground her teeth silently, though she didn’t outwardly bring attention to what could probably be a new symptom.

Why? Because it might as well not be a symptom to her sickness. Going crazy seemed kind of possible now as well.


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