a most deep and subtle poison
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No, she admitted quietly; the Inferni coyotes, celebrating? Even if it was for something that could cause festivities, unless Talitha were to demand it of her father, the coyotes would never gather like that. Never had, if her accurate representation of the clan could remain complete. I don't think anyone can sing well either. Y'know, the wolf skulls took away from the singing atmosphere of the place. Sadly, she couldn't remember a time when she could properly wake up and feel like she lived in a warm and safe home, but that had always been the way it had been and she wouldn't change it for the world.

I wouldn't mind learning to, but nobody can play at Inferni and even if they could, they probably wouldn't have the time for an apprentice. She flashed a toothy grin that clearly showed she was more at ease as time went on, though still curled into a ball-like sit against the arm of the sofa. A gypsy band wouldn't be half bad either, had she ever had intentions of leaving Inferni, but such thoughts were so far from her mind that she would have blanched at the suggestion. Unlike many coyotes, Talitha was no wanderer, and preferred to remain where things were familiar enough that she had advantages under her fingertips. Even so, it was an interesting thing to consider.

Your band sounds wonderful, she breathed, not even catching her own quiet yearning. To play instruments, and sing, with others! That'd be the day.


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