we all dance a jingo carabet

indent A rushing, violent pulse kept striking in his skull. It was the desire to set that southern pack on fire, to burn all of their black flowers to the ground. Gabriel was incensed; he was very close to abandoning his political stance and going after them on his own. He wanted to rip apart that pack because it had been their fault, and they needed to suffer. He wanted to hunt down Andre like the worthless mongrel he was and rip his heart from his still breathing body. Only remarkable control kept him from doing these things, even though it was affecting his outward appearance however slightly.
indentMostly, though, the glass case he was holding all this in was starting to crack. It was such that he had gone off to somewhere most of the clan had avoided, for whatever reason, intent on finding something priceless and destroying it. He had barely realized he had made the change to two legs, and even less aware of going inside the building and digging through a pile of odds and ends on a shelf he had claimed for his own means. The tobacco and matches were all he needed, and it was at the moment he had them everything seemed to rush together and he hit the floor, sinking down with the wall on his back and sitting heavily. His hands were shaking as he managed to strike the match, and they were shaking as he began to smoke for the first time in a long time.


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