we all dance a jingo carabet
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... a/ctop.png); background-color: #74693D; background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____She nodded, already wanting to take up any role she could to Talitha other than the ones that she was already in. It had been a surprising moment to find her when she had that day and even more in the sense that Talitha wanted someone—anyone—to comfort her. So she had no problem with standing in where Faolin could not and it was much easier than she thought to feel a desire to protect her. She was family, that was the first thing that fuelled it, but she was also a child. A child who needed someone to mother her. It was equally satisfying to know that he would go and see their father; Corona didn't know much about his relationship with Ahren, but knowing he would go gave her peace of mind.

_____“I haven't directly met with the two coyotes who are in charge there, but they didn't seem bothered that I was there. Rachias is there too,” she went on to say after him, wondering if knowing that their younger sister being there would spark his interest as well. She had mentioned wanting to eventually speak with Gabriel eventually, but Corona didn't make any mention of it. If she saw him there, she thought that the younger girl would take the chance to speak with him.


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