A dark canvas and an empty ink well

She listened contently to her friends story, wishing she had such a interesting tale to tell. It was sad though, having been pulled away from her family so unexpectedly and thrown into an entirely different world, never able to see her original pack again. It wasn’t like there were many charters sailing back to Europe every day or so.

In the past Anu had traveled back to her family pack, to see her father before his passing, and to meet her brother’s children. There had been times when Anu had visited, pleased to know that they were well and safe. It had been her choice to venture off and away from their security, but she knew she could always go back.

“That must have been hard, to leave your family like that.” Her eyes were soft, wanting to ease Savina. So many just needed a shoulder to lean on once in a while, and Anu was always whiling to be that source of comfort. Even if in the end, they all recovered and moved on, she was happy to a part of that mending.


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