under the city lights, i'm sinking
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Talitha slowly pushed herself away just as Corona held the bottle to her, and she absorbed the soft words — warning and instruction both — that contained a small amount of error. Her warm eyes, dull with sickness, rested easily on the bottle and gently looked over each of its curves, its unusual contours, it being an object she had never seen before. The function of a bottle was painfully obvious, however, and the fact that she'd been told to take it implied enough. Confusion still littered the slope of her brow, and she looked to the golden angel for the answers she was unable to get from the bottle itself.

How much? Just in case she took too much. Anything to settle her stomach down and help her become alright with the help of this other coyote was most welcome with warm arms. But in case it made her sick, she would probably avoid taking way too high a dose for her age. Even with six to seven months, she was also scrawny, unstable, and unable to eat well, so of course, that would also factor in. Corona would know exactly what to do next; Talitha's trust had been placed gingerly at the feet of the Lykoi, and she hoped that the woman didn't take advantage of it.

But why would an Inferni member harm another Inferni member without just cause?


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