a most deep and subtle poison
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She nodded, absorbing his words as if he was any of very few wise sages who had the right to give such advice and know it worked. This coyote was one she wished would live in Inferni and teach her the ways of the instruments but, at the same time, she would never want to take him from his own travelling band. Chances were, they wanted him more than she wanted him in Inferni, and one young girl against several adults wielding various musical instruments weren't making great odds. Even so, she was almost about to reach out for the banjo when she remembered herself: Jumpy at the moment, though hell as to why, and afraid of breaking his precious instrument. Even though he said he'd dropped it before, she was certain she could do way more damage.

No thanks, she again denied, shrugging her thin shoulders. I'll look around and see if I can find anything. Thank you for the advice. Suddenly she sounded way too formal. A light blush lit the skin beneath her fur and she lowered her gaze to her hands, which fidgeted with one another restlessly, as if she was being taken in for an interview or something. Awkwaaard. Of course, it was always bound to be awkward when a girl who was about preteen age was left in a room with a man who was certainly not a teenager.

So, uh... How long have you been with your band? There weren't really any other questions that could be asked at the moment. What else was she supposed to say to a man who was much older than she? "You're cool, let's be friends"? Like that would ever happen. Who wanted to be buddies with a kid?


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